This will be my fist ever effort at blogging on line. I think my bio covered the basics but I have many different ideas as to life, religion, history and other issues that sometimes turn into books or poems. I have recently met a wonderful woman after around thirty years of hermitage. It wasn't a wasted thirty years. I raised my two children that have turned out quite well to most peoples standards. I took care of my mother in her illness until she passed in 2007. My father left this world in 1986 and sadly most of my fondest relatives have followed leaving the dregs of the family still breathing. My book "Siblings" touches on these feelings but is not yet in print and although it is around 500,000 words to date I would estimate another 1,000,000 to finish it and then divide it into manageable sizes for print.
Joe Hinshaw grew up in Indianapolis Indiana. He was born during the civil rights period of our nation. Living through those turbulent times of the 1960s has left its indelible mark on his thoughts and the way that he sees humanity. He was introduced slowly to the family history. His earliest memory of it goes back to a family reunion in his prepubescent yours in a City Park in Lebanon Indiana. The memories of this event are very cloudy. The vision of a large tree on a big peace of white cardboar
The story of the boys continues as they are abducted from their home and sent overseas into the care of Richard Mather in Dorchester Massachusetts in 1652 living their young lives in Indentured Servic
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Old Joe's Pirate Adventures is a series for children. Old Joe the Pirate and his grandson's are spirited away in a cyclone from Disney's Pirate Adventure to be deposited on a white sand beach near a hidden cave. The cave contained a long forgotten pirate ship that was being used by and red-haired girl for her tea parties and dolls. In a tantrum she
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Old Joe and the boys continue their adventures by following a pirate map found on the ship to an uncharted island in the Caribbean Sea where they find they treasure and must battle their first contact with Pirates set on their prize
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The story of the boys continues as they are abducted from their home and sent overseas into the care of Richard Mather in Dorchester Massachusetts in 1652 living their young lives in Indentured Service until they grow and become he men their parents had envisioned before their untimely deaths
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The story begins. The Henshaw/Hinshaw Family begins their story. Sir Thomas Henshaw is the holder of the family coat of arms. He has married well and the family has many holdings and standing. They have three boys and one girl in their marriage. William is the oldest boy and will carry the family arms forward. Life is not simple and filled with mis
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Joshua returns to England after many years to avenge the loss of his family's heritage at the hands of the Ambrose and Mather families. It is a long battle ahead of him that is tossed and turned in the sea of political and Royal upheavals. He keeps his focus on his end goal however and perseveres towards his goal that comes closer to his reach. Fol
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